A Devotional
Click Here to download the Prayer and Devotional Guide for the 30 Day Kickstart into the Harvest Field which begins Sunday, September 1st. You can use this guide online or print it.
As you use this guide understand that it is the result of a team of people who poured out an amazing level of sacrificial prayer, writing, collaboration, planning, editing, deep discussions and reflections...all for a passion to further see Christ's commission to make disciples of all nations fulfilled. May you use it toward this end.
A Mission
Coordinated prayer walking near harvest field/mission outposts on Sept 8, Sept 15, and Sept 22 at 2 pm. You are also invited to come alongside of Crossroads Community Church and see what we are doing with our pop-up pantry at our outposts on Saturday, September 28that 9 am. This gives a hands-on practical example to see and learn about harvest field engagement. For more information Click Here
A Connection
Online resources for inspiration updates, stories and connection with others Click Here
The Holy Spirit's richest blessings as we join together on this adventure into the harvest field!