Make Disciples
The Acts 6 team
Acts 6 describes how the apostles found their work growing more complicated as the number of people they were ministering to grew. So that they could continue to focus on preaching the gospel while also meeting people’s financial and physical needs, the apostles had the people choose men from among the disciples to oversee certain jobs, which included a distribution for widows. This shepherding kind of role is a necessary part of a healthy church body. The Acts 6 team fulfills a similar role in the local outposts; each outpost is represented by someone who lives in that community, and the team meets every couple of weeks to pray for the people in their outposts and supports the outpost leaders.
Prophetic prayer team
A team of people who spend a lot of time in prayer and listening to the Holy Spirit are meeting every few weeks to pray for the disciples and the apostles (outpost leaders).
Acts 2 meetings
As a follow-up to the Discipleship Training levels 1 and 2, people are beginning to meet and pray together, and to continue studying the word while challenging each other to act on what they learn. This is part of building an accountability-focused discipleship community modeled on the early church in Acts 2. The meetings are raising more workers for God’s kingdom and equipping them to make more disciples in their everyday lives, while helping them grow their spiritual gifts and respond to the Holy Spirit.